Rune Book of the Month

RUNES for: Divination (Advanced)

Runes: The ancient and mysterious symbols of a forgotten age.

RUNES for: Divination (Advanced) Summary

From the #1 Best Seller on the Amazon Kindle for books on Fortune Telling, comes another hit, RUNES for: Divination (Advanced).

This book expands on the concepts and methods previously presented and guides the seeker through the interlocking interpretations of these ancient symbols.

In addition to explaining how to conduct complex Rune Tine readings, this book also addresses the four most common questions asked when seeking guidance about the future. Questions about: Money, Health, Career and Relationships.

It is through the Norse God of Magic, Odhin, that gods and men are able to receive the wisdom of the Runes. Odhin was the first being to be initiated into the Runic mysteries and it infused into his being.
Now is the time to learn how to use this ancient energy and wisdom and to let it flow though you. 

Purchase Options

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You can also check out the author's BLOG at: Rune Books Blog


RUNES for: Divination (Basic) Summary

RUNES for: Divination (Basic) Book Cover

It is through the Norse God of Magic, Odhin, that gods and men are able to receive the wisdom of the Runes. Odhin was the first being to be initiated into the Runic mysteries by extracting the Rune wisdom directly from the source, and it infused into his being. When the essence of the Runic knowledge merged within him, he was able to formulate the means to communicate their nature to other beings.

This book is meant to be a beginners guide to using the Runes for divination purposes. It briefly covers the origin of the Runes, a bit of their history and different usages. Then it looks at each Rune in turn and describes key concepts and meanings associated with each one. It gives traditional information on how to use the Runes specifically for divination purposes, and lastly provides a comparision to Tarot and Astrological symbols for those that are familiar with those modalities.

However, while basic in nature, even an experienced Runster will find beneficial information and perhaps a new way of looking at the Runes.

Purchase Options

The printed and Kindle versions of the book are available via at this link:


NOTE: If you don't have a Kindle but would like to view this ebook on your PC, Apple or Android device, you can click the above link and download the FREE Kindle reader software for these devices. Once on the site that highlights this book, the reader software download option is on the right hand side of the page, you may need to scroll down a bit.

If you are a member of CreateSpace, or if you want to become a member, you can order this book from this link:

RUNES for: Divination (Basic)

You can also check out the author's BLOG at: Rune Books Blog